Customer Success Stories

What Our Customers Say About Us

Expedock has been a game-changer for us! With their shipment visibility portal, we've seen a dramatic drop in daily customer queries. Now, our customers can easily check their shipment status whenever they need to, thanks to this intuitive, self-service platform.

This has allowed our team to focus more on high-value tasks, like acquiring new customers, knowing that operations are running smoothly and customers are happier. I'd definitely recommend Expedock to anyone looking to boost customer satisfaction and streamline operations.

Michael Cavanagh
Operations Manager, Colless Young Pty Ltd.

After 2 years with Expedock, our business has grown significantly because we could re-invest all of our savings from data entry into sales and customer service.

We hired new sales reps and re-focused our operations teams on customer service.

They are amazing technology providers!

Alessandra Fremura
Owner, Fremura

We love that Expedock required much less set-up from our side. We now embed Expedock into our workflows and are looking for ways to increase projects with them so we can grow our business without adding headcount.

The most important thing I love about Expedock is our communication between each other as partners. Jeff, Austin, and Therese from their operations team work closely with us to automate our processes from import to domestic accounting and freight operations.


Sara Ireton
Senior Director, Ascent Global Logistics

Why Automate Your Workflows

Scale Your Business Without Adding Headcount


of use cases being covered

With Expedock, we cover everyday freight use cases from FCL to Customs Files.

$ 20K

of costs being saved
per year

You can eliminate costs from salaries, expenses, training, and management time by reducing your headcount.


of time being reallocated to higher priority tasks

Your team can focus on solving problems for your customers proactively to differentiate yourselves from competitors.

What We Do

See How Expedock Will Improve
Your Freight Processes

Automate workflows, allowing more time for customer service and sales

Imagine what each operator can do with an extra 10 to 15 hours a week.

Beyond improving employee satisfaction and retention, your team can now focus on customer service, quotations & bookings, scheduling appointments, and timely billing.


Integrate With Any TMS You Use

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Expedock work?

Expedock AI can extract and reconcile any unstructured data and post data directly onto any TMS (Transportation Management System).

All you have to do is forward your documents to Expedock and we will take care of the rest!

What makes Expedock different from other similar products?

Expedock enables:

  1. Consistent accuracy of 99.7%
  2. High flexibility when exceptions occur
  3. Labor savings of 30-80% because your staff can be reallocated completely to higher-value tasks such as customer service and sales.

How do you ensure 99.97% accuracy?

Our human-in-the-loop service can verify AI outputs to ensure 99.97% accuracy from Day 1.

Our team trains the AI, not yours.

How long will it take our team to learn to use the AI tool?

Unlike other SaaS only solutions that require your team to train the AI and learn the tool, there's no learning curve for you to use Expedock. We help you save time so that your team can focus on higher priority tasks such as customer service and sales.

What are your automation products?

Here are all the workflows that we can automate:

  • Accounts Payable Automation
    • FCL AP Invoices
    • LCL AP Invoices
    • Monthly Statements (SOA)
    • Customs Files
  • Shipment and Consol Creation and Amendment
    • For import documents
    • For export documents
  • Commercial Invoices and Packing Lists Entry
  • eDocs Classification and Uploading

Ready to Automate Your Freight Processes?

Let Expedock handle the hard work so that you can reallocate your staff time to higher-value tasks such as customer service, sales, collections, payments, and billing.

Get End to End Freight Automation Coverage

Talk to an Expedock Consultant

Re-allocate your team to higher value work with 99% Accuracy

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